Thursday, June 2, 2011

This One's for Austin!

Since I started liking races, I have ran 2 races already and have walked a couple too. Those were all for a good cause. Those races I joined in were events made to help Cancer Research for Maine [Mary's Walk-March], Fundraising for the athletes [Boney Eagle Scot Trot-March], a march to save the babies [March of Dimes-May] and my most recent which is a cause to help a school and a community [Patriot 5k "Lap Around the Lake"-May].

On Saturday, the 4th of June, I am scheduled to probably walk [since I don't have the time to train] for another cause - 5 Mile Dog Walk for a Cancer which will be held at 9am to noon in Lake Arrowhead Community at Victoria Lane East Tennis Court North Waterboro.

This event is perhaps the most important race I will participate in not because it is another event to support a special cause... but because, the cause is meant for Austin Hudson.

Austin is the reason why I am working part-time as Ed Tech at Waterboro School. He is a typical 9-year old boy who loves being with his friends, likes to run and play, enjoys Math, Art and Computer subjects and more importantly, who loves his independence and his ability to discover, learn and do new things on his own. But last year, he was diagnosed with brain cancer and now in recuperation. The struggle is continuous and indefinite as we all know of most cancer patients.

I have not known Austin until I was assigned to work with him. However, I could tell in his eyes that he is a fighter. His spirit is tough but his body is so fragile. That is why no matter how much he likes to go to school everyday ,it is a constant struggle as well. I have only worked once a week for 2 hours in the past 4 weeks with him but this week, he was able to come to school 2 days in a row and that is "huge".

This Saturday... we are going to run or walk [whichever you prefer] for him. It's a Dog Walk actually, but Sarah, Austin's mom said you don't need to have one to join. [Good, thing I was already on my way to buy a dog just to join, LOL] But if you cannot join us... you can still support and help by donating to Austin Hudson Family Fund. Donations can be deposited directly at SIS Bank. Details on the event can be found in Facebook too.

So, come and join us... in person... with your dog [on a leash, please] or your friends and family... or in spirit [by donating] and let's all walk for Austin.

See you there!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Win-Win Situation

I am in stiletto mode nowadays. However, that is not the reason why I have not been seriously back in training mode.

But there are several reasons why I run or shall I say "why I should run". As if someone is really asking or interested in knowing what those reasons are. But I will share with you the reasons why, anyways. And for that you have no choice. LOL

Reason 1. I bought 3 new pairs of VS bathing suits online. They're on sale so I went crazy not realizing that those bathing suit look better on pictures... on that particular model... and on that particular body. So there you go... I got the shipment and I tried it on. I didn't like it. I was like totally in, "that's-what-you-get-for-being-cheap kinda mode"... but I do know the reason why it didn't look good on me. And I am not going to answer that question. PERIOD!

Reason 2. When I signed up for my first Walk, I realized that with your registration fee, you get free t-shirt [when you pre-register], a lot of freebies like water bottles, bottles with water, pedometer, bookmarks, bags with sponsor's name on it, coupons, etc. and food. Yes, you get free breakfast of donuts, bagels, coffee, bananas and snack after the race. So the question is, will I really lose weight here after the race? BIG QUESTION MARK!

Reason 3. Then, since most of the races are for a "cause"... I believe that I am helping a good cause. I am being a good citizen! EXCLAMATION POINT!

Well, I have not really started training again for my next 5K for varied reasons. One is that I am working part-time as Ed Tech in the school where I am assigned as the Site Leader of the Kids Out Enrichment Program of the YMCA. Although I could still go for a 30 minutes run around the track on my way home since I only work for 2 hours... my mind and stomach are always debating if I should run or not. And my stomach always wins.

At hindsight, maybe the best title for this post should be - WIN-WIN-WIN-WIN Situations! What do you think?