Sunday, April 28, 2013

Running for a free pizza

I signed up for the Jimmy the Greek Maine Mall 5K Race for Lyme Disease this year again. However, proceeds of the event this year will be donated to the Boston Marathon Victims instead of the Research for Lyme Disease.
I love this race because the route is easy and I am so familiar with it - the Maine Mall area. wink*** But no, I didn't go shopping after the race like I did last year and I am so proud of myself for the strength and self-control.
I finished in 23:46 and I was over-the-moon in happiness until I realized just now that the race wasn't actually 5K. The distance that we ran wasn't actually 3.10 miles but 1.9 miles. That explained why my PR is almost 10 minutes less than usual. Hayzzzz!!!
So yes, I ranked 243rd out of 362 participants with  a 12:31 pace time. And with that result, I couldn't rejoice knowing that most of those who crossed the finished line after me were walkers. Another hayzzzzz!!!
Oh well, I cannot brag about it since deep in my heart I know too that I didn't deserve to run faster than the speeding bullet because I didn't train or did anything at all to prepare myself for the race. But just crossing the finish line gave me the pride I need to sign up for more races. And yes, I whole-heartedly line up to get my free pizza right after I crossed the finish line. Why not? That was the main reason why I signed up for this race in the first place. LOL.
Then headed straight to Weight Watchers for the weighting in with a slice of pizza on my hand.