Friday, June 21, 2013

A NO T-Shirt Race

This is officially the start of summer and I am starting it with a 5K race in Gray - The Longest Day 5K Race. This is also the last day of school where I work. Finally, I can relax and forget about work.
Yup, summer starts today. and I am started slow and exhausting. The race took an awesome course in the trail of Gray. It was really a hard course so to speak but organizers and volunteers were great except for "ONE VERY IMPORTANT DETAIL" - NO FREE SHIRT!!! Oh yeah, it's a big deal, you know. Huge! I need the shirt because I have a collection of race shirts! So yes... not really 100% happy about it.
Are you kidding me? Why was there no free t-shirt? Don't they realize that I only run for the "free Tee"? Oh well, too late now to back out. I was there early. The driving condition was perfect - one of the things I consider in signing up for races. The day was perfect - at 7pm the cloudless sky gave me a feeling that it was still 3'oclock in the afternoon. If only there was a t-shirt that has the name of the race printed on it... it would have been a perfect race. [I HOPE ORGANIZERS of the this race will read this post.]
So this is technically my very first "trail" race for this year. The Snowy Egret 5k that I did a couple of weeks ago was not all trail course so this is indeed the real "trail race" I ran to date. The trail is kinda intimidating which justified my 43:55 PR with 12:28 pace. I ranked  126th  out of 150 people who participated.
[Look at me... I was still happy even without the "free t-shirt". LOL]

Despite the "t-shirt issue" I had with this race, I can say that I like the race and will surely do it again next year... if they will provide t-shirt for the race. LOL.